Live aboard courses

The RYA Start Yachting course is a live-aboard 2 day course, intended as a short introduction to sailing for complete beginners. By the end of the course you will have experienced steering a yacht, sail handling, ropework and be aware of safety on board.
Holders of the Start Yachting certificate can go on to complete the Competence Crew course in a reduced time of three days or two weekends.

The RYA Competent Crew is for beginners and those who would like to become active crew members rather than just passengers. Experience living on board and really get to know the boat. Virtually all the course is hands on. You are the crew – without you the sails won’t go up and the boat won’t be steered.
By the end of the course you should be able to steer, handle sails, keep a lookout, row a dinghy and assist in all the day to day duties on board. You should also have visited some interesting places and had an enjoyable holiday.

The RYA Day Skipper course is or aspiring skippers with some yachting experience and basic navigation and sailing skills. This course is recognized around the world as the standard for skippering bareboat. Holders of this certificate also qualify for the ICC (International Certificate of Competence) which permits chartering in Europe and elsewhere.

The RYA Coastal Skipper course consists of advanced skippering techniques for yachtsmen and women with considerable knowledge of sailing and navigation, wanting to undertake coastal passages by day and night. This course is a significant step toward attaining RYA/MCA Yachtmaster certification.
Like the Day Skipper course, this course consists of skippered passages in a variety of situations. Each trainee will skipper more challenging passages and learn more about passage planning, pilotage by day and night, boat handling, safety and more …